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Ready to take the next step?

Applicants can choose to enroll in any upcoming terms for 2023/2024. Applications and fees should be submited prior to the course start date

Please contact us if you have any questions about the application process, including course requirements and level placements.

See HLIC's refund policy


Registration Form

Student Information

Gender Identifcation

Emergency Contact Information

Course Registry

Please Indicate Course Selection
Please indicate your higest level of schooling

Student Medical Information

All HLIC students must have valid medical insurance during their stay in Canada.

Do you have medical insurance?

If Yes, student will need to provide proof of valid medical insurance.
If No, HLIC will enroll you in medical insurance.

Do you have allergies?
Do you have any medical conditions?
Do you have any food restrictions?


Please indicate your preferred accommodations during your studies at HLIC

Airport Transfer

Do you require airport pickup? ($80.00 CAD):
How did you hear about HLIC?

The application fee for all English programs is $150.00 CAD and is not refundable. You can pay via Credit Card or PayPal in this form. There is an additional $5.00 CAD processing fee for online payments ($155.00 CAD total).

Payment methods Icons.jpg

Thank you for applying to HLIC

Refund Policy




  1. All tuition payments received before March 2020: If a student is declined admission to Canada, HLIC will refund all money paid less registration fee and related financial charges from the bank for sending the funds to and from each account. A letter from IRCC must be presented, along with a refund request, to begin the refund process. For all IRCC visa refusals given after March 2020, our school currently has virtual classes and attendance in person is not mandatory, student registration is therefore to be assumed for virtual classes.

  2. 若在开学日期之前取消:在开学前的星期五递交书面退款申请的学生将收到所有费用的退款减去支付总金额20%的取消费以及银行退款产生的服务费。

  3. 若开学一周内退学,必须在新学期的第一个星期五下午12点前提交书面的退款申请。学生将只获得65%的学费退款,其他费用不予退还,包括医疗保险,课本费,活动费,住宿费、住宿押金以及学校申请费和住宿安置费等将不予退还。

  4. 若开学后第一个星期五中午12点之后退学的学生,加哈院将不予退款。

  5. 被学校开除或因未完成课程而被停学的学生将不予退款。这包括因个人行为原因,态度或出勤而被开出的学生。

  6. 从2 + 2项目退出的学生无权获得任何形式的退款。

  7. 任何签证续签费均不予退款。

  8. 住宿费将不予退款。

  9. 除了从UBP提前毕业的情况外,其余情况将不予退还寄宿家庭费用。


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