Informações do Aluno Home Address (including city and postal code)
Please list all children under the age of 18 living in your home [Name, relationship to host (son, granddaughter, etc.) and age]
Please list all other persons over the age of 18 living in your home [Name, relationship to host (son, granddaughter, etc.) and age]
About Your Home If no, with whom will they have to share a bedroom (age, nationality, gender)?
Who will be sharing the bathroom with your homestay student?
Tell us about the pets living in your home (type of animal, name)
Homestay Experience If you have hosted a student before, what country were they from and for how long did they stay?
Will someone be home to receive the students when they return from school? If so, who?
Would you describe your home as an active household or quiet household?
What activities do you and your family enjoy that you would be willing to include your international student in?
Please list any community groups or organizations you are involved with (cultural, social, sports)
How do you feel an international student would benefit from living with your family?
What do you hope to gain from the experience of having an international student live with your family?
What are the basic rules for teenagers in your home?
What are the basic rules for adults in your home?
What household duties or chores will you expect your student to complete?
Briefly describe your neighborhood and commute distance/procedure to our school:
Homestay Preference Requests Do you have a gender preference in accepting international students in your home? If yes, please specify.
Do you have an age range preference in accepting international students in your home? If yes, please specify.
Please select the placement options that work best for your family (you can select more than one):
When are your able to accept an international student?
Your Emergency Contact Please provide contact information of a person NOT residing in your home [name, relationship to you (ie: friends, coworker, etc), phone number(s), address]
1. The information set forth above is true and correct.
2. I am able to assume responsibility for the welfare of the student while she/he resides in my home.
3. I am aware that if the homestay is not a good match for the student or homestay family, the student may move out earlier than originally intended. I agree that all information submitted is accurate. (Eu concordo que todas as informações fornecidas são precisas.)
Obrigado por se candidatar para estudar inglês na HLIC.